On April 19, 2023 the 4th International workshop on Information & Operational Technology (IT & OT) security (IOSEC 2023) was held in Vilanova i la Geltrú within the 19th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN2023).
The IOSEC workshop have been organized by four EU-funded projects: JCOP (https://jcop.eu/), PHOENI2X (https://phoeni2x.eu/), IntellIoT (https://intelliot.eu/), and FISHY (https://fishy-project.eu/). The workshop brought together experts from cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence fields, to discuss security problems and solutions for advancing the collective science and practice of IT and OT security.
The following presentations took place in the workshop:
- A Moving Target Defense Security Solution for IoT Applications
- Runtime Security Monitoring by an Interplay Between Rule Matching and Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection on Logs
- Towards the Forensic Investigation on the Hadoop Distributed File System Using RAM Analysis
- A Machine Learning-Driven Threat Hunting Architecture for Protecting Critical Infrastructure
- A Holistic Framework for Safeguarding of SMEs: A Case Study