March 17, 2023
The PHOENI2X 2nd Plenary meeting has been celebrated the 15 and 16 of March, 2023, in Barcelona, Spain. The meeting was hosted by FGC. The second plenary has met all project partners to discuss the overall progress of the project, to present the work conducted in the last four months of the project, and to define a roadmap for the different tasks for the next ten months, until the first project review meeting.
The first day of the meeting three sessions take place. First, the PHOENI2X architecture and baseline tools were presented and minor issues were discussed. Second, an interesting discussion took place on the pilots’ setup, for Health, Energy and Transport use cases. In the afternoon, WP3 partners presented the work conducted during the last months on AI-assisted situational awareness, prediction and response enablers. WP4 partners presented the work done on the coordinated response and preparedness enablers. The meeting concluded with the definition of the upcoming actions for all the different tasks of WP3 and WP4.
The second day of the meeting, two sessions took place. First, dissemination and management activities for the last four months were presented and discussed, and a roadmap for the next 10 months was defined. Then, all partners visited the FGC’s Security Operation Center. The second day concluded with an open discussion and wrap-up of the meeting.